

M. Tanaka and H. Sakaki, "Atomistic Models of Interface Structures in GaAs-AlxGa1-xAs (x=0.2-1) Quantum Wells Grown by Interrupted and Uninterrupted MBE," Journal of Crystal Growth 81, 153 (1987).

M. Tanaka and H. Sakaki, "Formation of Planar Superlattice States in New Grid-Inserted Quantum Well Structures," Applied Physics Letters 54, 1326 (1989).

"超格子ヘテロ構造デバイス 第6章 分子線エピタキシー(MBE)" 江崎玲於奈監修,榊裕之編著,工業調査会.1988年9月発行.

M. Tanaka, J.P. Harbison, T. Sands, J. De Boeck, B. Philips, T.L. Cheeks and V.G. Keramidas, "Epitaxial Growth of Ferromagnetic Ultrathin MnGa Films with Perpendicular Magnetization on GaAs," Appl. Phys. Lett. 62, 1565 (1993).

"分子線エピタキシー 第1章 固体ソースMBE 及び 分子線エピタキシー 第8章 金属・半金属・磁性体のMBE"(権田俊一編著)培風館 1994年11月発行.

M. Tanaka, J.P. Harbison, M.C. Park, Y.S. Park, T. Shin, G.M. Rothberg, "Epitaxial Ferromagnetic MnAs Thin Films Grown by MBE on GaAs: Structure and Magnetic Properties," J. Appl. Phys. 76, 6278 (1994).


M. Tanaka, J.P. Harbison and G.M. Rothberg, "Epitaxial Orientation and Magnetic Properties of MnAs Thin Films on (001) GaAs: Template Effects," Appl. Phys. Lett. 65, 1964 (1994).

田中雅明 "エピタキシャル強磁性金属/半導体構造の成長・構造・機能" 日本応用磁気学会誌 Vol.20, No.6 pp.950-959 (1996).

T. Hayashi, M. Tanaka, T. Nishinaga, H. Shimada, H. Tsuchiya and Y. Ootuka, "GaMnAs: New III-V Based Diluted Magnetic Semiconductor Grown by Molecular Beam Epitaxy," J. Crystal Growth 175/176, pp.1063-1068 (1997).

M. Tanaka, "Epitaxial Growth and Properties of III-V Based Ferromagnetic Semiconductor (GaMn)As and Its Heterostructures," J. Vac. Sci. & Technol. B16, pp.2267-2274 (1998).

田中雅明"半導体スピン機能素子技術の現状と展望"FEDジャーナル Vol.11, No.3, pp.67-75 (2000).

M. Tanaka and Y. Higo, "Large Tunneling Magnetoresistance in GaMnAs/AlAs/GaMnAs Ferromagnetic Semiconductor Tunnel Junctions," Phys. Rev. Lett. 87, pp.026602/1-4 (2001).


田中雅明"強磁性半導体ヘテロ接合におけるトンネル磁気抵抗"固体物理 Vol.37 (11), pp. 853-860 (2002).
M. Tanaka, "Ferromagnet (MnAs) / III-V Semiconductor Hybrid Structures," Special Issue on Semiconductor Spintronics, Semiconductor Science and Technology 17, No.4, pp. 327-341 (2002).

A.M. Nazmul, S. Sugahara, and M. Tanaka, "Ferromagnetism and High Curie Temperature in Semiconductor Heterostructures with Mn-delta-doped GaAs and p-type Selective Doping," Phys. Rev. B67, 241308 (2003).

"Proceedings of the Eleventh International Conference on Modulated Semiconductor Structures (MSS11)," Elsevier, Physica E Vol. 21 No.2-4 (2004). Edited by Y. Arakawa, H. Ohno, K. Hirakawa, M. Tanaka

S. Sugahara and M. Tanaka, "A spin metal-oxide-semiconductor field-effect transistor using half-metallic-ferromagnet contacts for the source and drain," Appl. Phys. Lett. 84,2307 (2004).

T. Matsuno, S. Sugahara and M. Tanaka, "Novel Reconfigurable Logic Gates Using Spin Metal-Oxide- Semiconductor Field-Effect Transistors," Jpn. J. Appl. Phys.,43, 6032 (2004).

田中雅明 "半導体スピンエレクトロニクス −現状と展望−" 応用物理 73巻 第4号 pp.508-517 (2004).


田中雅明"半導体スピントロニクス 『ナノマテリアルハンドブック』第5章第5節" エヌティーエス 2005年2月発行.

M. Tanaka, "Spintronics: Recent Progress and Tomorrow's Challenges," J. Crystal Growth 278, pp.25-37 (2005).

A. M. Nazmul, T. Amemiya, Y. Shuto, S. Sugahara, and M. Tanaka, "High Temperature Ferromagnetism in GaAs-based Heterostructures with Mn Delta Doping" Phys. Rev. Lett. 95, pp.17201/1-4 (2005).

Y. Shuto, M. Tanaka, and S. Sugahara, "Magneto-optical properties of a new group IV ferromagnetic semiconductor Ge1-xFex grown by molecular beam epitaxy" J. Appl. Phys. 99, 08D516 (2006).

S. Ohya, P. N. Hai, Y. Mizuno, and M. Tanaka, "Quantum-size effect and tunneling magnetoresistance in ferromagnetic-semiconductor quantum heterostructures" Phys. Rev. B75, pp.155328/1-6 (2007).

M. Tanaka and S. Sugahara, "Metal-Oxide-Semiconductor Based Spin Devices for Reconfigurable Logic"
Invited paper in the Special Issue on Spintronics, IEEE Transactions on Electron Devices Vol. 54, No.5, pp.961-976 (2007).

M. Tanaka, M. Yokoyama, P-N. Hai, and S. Ohya (Invited review paper)
"Properties and functionalities of MnAs/III-V hybrid and composite structures"
Semiconductor Spintronics, in Semiconductors and Semimetals, Elsevier (in press).

S. Ohya and M. Tanaka (Invited review), "TMR in Semiconductors" Handbook of Magnetism and Advanced Magnetic Materials, Vol. 5 Spintronics and Magnetoelectronics, edited by Helmut Kronmuller and Stuart Parkin, John Wiley & Sons Ltd. (Chichester, UK), 3064 pages, July 2007. Handbook of Magnetism and Advanced Magnetic Materials, 5 Volume-Set.

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